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About Lucid company

Lucid was founded in June 1994 with the aim of taking over and expanding the existing production of Železnobrodský glass. The owners made successful acquisitions and bought out a number of smaller companies whose production program matched the company's focus and their objectives. In 2013, part of the shareholding was sold and the company became a purely family-owned company.

The history of the company's production programme dates back to 1919, when Mr. Robert Rudolf established the tradition of producing religious objects (devotionals) pressed from sheet metal and wire with glass components in Jablonec nad Nisou. The expansion of the range of metal jewellery components was interrupted by the Second World War, nationalisation and subsequent state administration. The production of jewellery and religious objects was replaced for several years by the production of metal gramophone components. The production of a completely different range of products and state administration, which led to a loss of respect for tradition, caused the destruction of many unique instruments in the post-war years. The production of pressed jewellery blanks was soon revived, thanks to the experience and skill of the workers, and continued under the names of various state-owned enterprises throughout the communist era.

Nowadays, the company is a modern company based on a long tradition, technological development, quality production and serious negotiations with all business partners.

This is evidenced by exports to many countries in Europe, Asia and America.

  • Chandelier parts and components for mounting cut chandeliers
  • Religious objects (devotionals)
  • Promotional products
  • Metal components for Christmas decorations
  • Commemorative coins made of precious and base metals
  • Jewellery, haberdashery and decorative semi-finished products (jewellery, haberdashery and clothing industry)
  • Technická výroba (automobilový, elektrotechnický, nábytkářský a stavební průmysl)

We are a company from a beautiful small town in the mountains, where people with many interests live. Many of these interests and activities benefit the entire region and the people who live there. Our company is therefore pleased to support such activities. Most of our support is given to charitable projects in our region.

Železný kříž

In recent years we have supported and are supporting the following local organisations:

  • Obnova historických památek města Jablonce nad Nisou
  • Nadace EURONISA
  • Nadace pro záchranu a obnovu Jizerských hor
  • Střední uměleckoprůmyslová škola a Vyšší odborná škola, Jablonec nad Nisou
  • Svaz výrobců skla a bižuterie

We are a professional company with dynamic development and many years of experience. We focus on the development and production of pressed metal parts for the automotive, electrical and consumer industries.

Lucid is a company with a wide range of products and services. It is an exclusively Czech company employing approximately fifty people. The production is based on a long tradition, building on the fame and precision of the Jablonec industry. It specializes in the processing of steel and tombak sheets using the deep cold drawing method. Lucid is equipped with a wide range of technological equipment, which enables it to produce tens of thousands of types of products, often assembled into units.

Our customers are demanding customers in the electrical and automotive industry, but we also produce a wide range of small and complex components for the production of jewellery and other elements requiring detailed knowledge of metal pressing technology, design, manufacture and maintenance of pressing tools and materials suitable for production.

We offer our customers a complete service, from the design and manufacture of tools to the serial delivery of individual and assembled parts.

Lucid is an active member of the District Chamber of Commerce in Jablonec nad Nisou and a member of the Association of Glass and Jewellery Manufacturers. Managing directors of the company are members of the boards of directors of these entities.

We are members of the Canadian Chamber of Commerce in the Czech Republic and the Czech-German Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

Our long-standing customers


Technical data - coins

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Care of our products

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About materials and surface finishes - jewellery

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Contact us


LUCID spol. s r.o.

Liberecká 85
466 01, Jablonec nad Nisou

IČ: 61328332
DIČ: CZ61328332

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