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Numismatics takes its name from the Greek nómisma (Latin nummus), i.e. penny, and nómos, i.e. law, custom. The name itself implies an emphasis on the normative function of money in society. Numismatics is not limited to money used in the past. It is the science of the development and function of means of payment. It focuses on pre-coinage types of payment and coins, as well as on credit payments and numerical money (tokens). It also examines coin-like medals issued to commemorate persons or events that were not intended for payment. Payments are an important source of historical knowledge.

Numismatics deals not only with the history of money, but also with the social function of currency. Means of payment have undergone a similar development as other measures and gradually acquired a conventional character.

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LUCID spol. s r.o.

Liberecká 85
466 01, Jablonec nad Nisou

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