Upozornění!! Z technických důvodů jsou všechny pevné telefonní linky dočasně mimo provoz. Kontaktujte nás prosím e-mailem info@lucid.cz, případně na tel. +420 733 133 822 nebo použijte náš kontaktní formulář.
Děkujeme za pochopení.

Notice!! Due to technical reasons, all landline phone lines are temporarily out of service. Please contact us via email info@lucid.cz or at +420 733 133 822 or use our contact form.
Thank you for your understanding.

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Terms and conditions and discounts

Lucid company mainly supplies companies engaged in the production and wholesale of semi-finished products.

For the purchase of individual items directly from our company, the minimum order quantity specified for each item applies.

You can order any number of pieces above the minimum order quantity, rounded up to tens of pieces.

Articles where no deviation from the requested number is indicated are normal articles and the ordered quantity will be delivered to you exactly.

We do not stock items that have an allowable deviation from the ordered quantity and will be produced specifically for your order. Therefore, we cannot guarantee the exact quantity requested. For those items where the order quantity is high, we offer the option of splitting the minimum order quantity between multiple finishes (if offered as standard for that item). Our sales staff will be happy to answer any questions you may have.

Minimum total order value:

250 CZK nebo 10 EUR
PLUS packing 60 CZK (ro 2.50 EUR)/ package PLUS transport costs according to agreement.
Delivery time will be confirmed by Lucid after sending via the order form included in the catalogue, or
by email enquiry to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. his email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

(Please allow approximately 1 - 4 weeks for delivery depending on the specific item.)

Payment: y bank transfer on the basis of the invoice sent before shipment of the goods or by agreement.

Shipping: by carrier, designated buyer, EMS postal service, or otherwise as agreed.

In the Czech Republic we send goods by mail on delivery.

Contact us


LUCID spol. s r.o.

Liberecká 85
466 01, Jablonec nad Nisou

IČ: 61328332
DIČ: CZ61328332

Required item