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Děkujeme za pochopení.

Notice!! Due to technical reasons, all landline phone lines are temporarily out of service. Please contact us via email info@lucid.cz or at +420 733 133 822 or use our contact form.
Thank you for your understanding.

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Care of our products

How to process our products, how to handle them, guarantees

Our jewellery semi-finished products are delivered in raw state or with surface treatments according to the current offer. You can find the offered finishes for each product in our catalogue by clicking on the detail of the respective item.

Raw products made of tombak CuZn20 (MS80) can be soldered, electroplated and surface-treated by all processes designed for brass materials, they can be bent and otherwise shaped. CuZn37 brass products can be processed by all the above processes except brazing (a special type of brazing using very high temperature and powder or paste solder).

ATTENTION - products delivered with surface treatment CANNOT be further heat treated (soldered) - the surface treatment would be destroyed !!! It is possible to glue them, but we recommend to always test the type of glue you use to see if it leaves any stains on the finish and if the joints hold.

Please note that the offered products (raw and with surface finish) are intended for use in the production of jewellery. They must be stored in a dry environment free from acidic and other chemical influences. They are not intended to be washed in detergents and washing machines or exposed to sea water and salt water. We are not responsible for defects in the products caused by improper use, storage or processing.

Contact us


LUCID spol. s r.o.

Liberecká 85
466 01, Jablonec nad Nisou

IČ: 61328332
DIČ: CZ61328332

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